A Clean Feeder Is A Healthy Feeder

At Bird House Nature Company we like to stress the importance of keeping a healthy environment for the visitors to your bird feeders. 

Here is a reminder list and resources for the curious you that wants to learn more in the care of feeding wild birds.

General Bird Feeder Cleaning Tips
Make sure all tools used for cleaning feeders are solely used for feeder cleaning and are kept outside.
* Avoid feeders that let seed get wet.
* Remember that if you are not using a no mess seed mix without shells, that you rake up the empty hulls from under the feeders.

Hummingbird Feeders - As sugar breaks down over time it can ferment which encourages the growth of bacteria, mold and fungus. Old sugar can also crystallize.
Empty feeder and dispose of any leftover nectar.
* Take apart the hummingbird feeder.
* Create a mild solution of soap and hot water. Allow the feeder parts to soak.
* Using a cleaning mop sponge, scrub away any nectar residue or mold buildup inside feeder parts.
* Rinse your hummingbird feeder with cold water.
* Allow feeder to dry before refilling
Tip - Hang hummingbird feeders in shaded areas away from the sun. Heat and humidity will deem cleaning more often. During hot weather change the nectar at least every two days. If the nectar is not 100% clear. CHANGE it.

General Cleaning of Bird Feeders
Clean with soapy water and a good stiff brush. Then soak them in a 10% bleach solution (1 part bleach to 9 parts water) for a few minutes. Wash with soapy water. Rinse them thoroughly and let dry completely before filling with seed and putting them back outside.

We at Brome Bird Care (Squirrel Buster feeders) recommend that you clean your feeders every 2 to 3 weeks. You can always use bleach wipes to clean off your feeder in between your washings.
"A clean feeder is a healthy feeder!”
Click Brome Care how to video

Bird Baths
Changing the water every few days will prevent algae growth. 
Cleaning: Rinse the surface of the bird bath with clean water, then scrub with a solution of 1 part vinegar and 9 parts water. Rinse thoroughly. Refill with fresh water.

Avian Influenza
We wanted to add information regarding the recent outbreak of Avian Infuenza and concerns of how it might affect the song birds to your feeders. It is always important to be aware of restrictions and regualtions in your area.
Safety Concerns Regarding Using Bird Feeders
“According to Environment and Climate Change Canada, the use of bird feeders is still safe on properties without domestic poultry. Avian Influenza does not affect all bird species in the same way; while it can cause severe illness and death in domestic poultry flocks, it is currently not considered a disease threat to feeder birds." Click Birds Canada

There is currently a very low risk of an outbreak among wild songbirds, and no official recommendation to take down feeders unless you also keep domestic poultry, according to the National Wildlife Disease Program. We do always recommend that you clean bird feeders and birdbaths regularly as a way to keep many kinds of diseases at bay. Click All About Birds - Cornell University Lab of Ornithology

What to do if you find a dead bird
Do not handle sick or dying wildlife. The Canadian government recommendation if you find an injured or wildlife that have passd, is to contact Canadian Wildlife Co-operative.

Information from the Government of Canada regarding protecting flocks of domestic birds.
Government of Canada

If you are looking for cleaning brushes for your feeders we have a couple of choices and they are presently in stock.