Welcoming Seasonal Visitors

Hummingbirds and Baltimore Orioles are on their way. Are you ready for their arrival? 

Click here for a current map of migrating hummingbirds as they cross over from the United States and into Ontario. It is always awe-inspiring to follow their long intuitive migration journey.

If you are new to attracting hummingbirds with feeders, timing will matter. Hummingbirds will spot your feeder if they are nearby or as they pass on the migration route. They tend to be return visitors once a known feeder is established.

Some years the hummingbirds arrive before the nectar supplying flowers are in bloom. Feeders become a reliable source with nectar specially created for hummingbirds. Suggested timing for hummingbird feeders is approximately one week before they are expected to arrive in your yard. 

Hummingbird Feeder Cleaning Tip from Audobon 
In hot weather, the feeder should be emptied and cleaned twice per week. In cooler weather, once per week is enough. If your hummingbirds empty the feeder with greater frequency, clean it every time it’s empty. Cleaning with hot tap water works fine, or use a weak vinegar solution.

When do the Orioles arrive in Ontario?
are presently tracking northward. Click here for a range map and additional information on one our brightest coloured spring visitors.

In our local area of Simcoe County, although the exact date is a variable each year, being ready by mid-May is a good guesstimate to have your feeders out. 

Orioles spend most of their time at the tops of deciduous trees, fluttering around, building beautiful woven nests, and looking for food. They are most often found in open woodlands, riverbanks, and on the edges of swamps and forests. Even though they enjoy trees, they normally aren’t seen in deep, dark forests.

Baltimore Orioles LOVE eating ripe fruit and nectar! These two sugary foods provide lots of energy, while insects give them the nutrition they need. There are specific feeders for the Baltimore Orioles many with holders for the orange pieces.

Oriole Feeder Cleaning Tip from Perky Pet
Oriole feeders really need to be cleaned every week, and more often in hot weather. Use a mild soap and water solution and a bottle brush to easily clean your feeders.

We are presently well stocked at Bird House Nature Company with familiar red coloured Hummingbird and yellow coloured Oriole feeders along with with new 2023 styles. There is also nectar and jelly available for purchase.

Visit us in-store with your questions and we will support you with advice and guidance in choosing the right feeder(s). 

UPDATE: Effective Sunday, April 30, Bird House Nature Company will be open on Sundays 11-3.

Here is a must link Downtown Orillia for upcoming events and planning your spring/summer visits to downtown Orillia.

We look forward to your visit.